Mostly depictions of god were placed on the “Bronze Votive Plaques” which it is understood that it was formed by re-processing bow parts and encountered in Urartu geography frequently. In these depictions, the depiction of God is usually standard. The god, who stands on an animal standing position, usually holds a gun and has a bow. He extended his other hand to slightly forward by breaking from the elbow. They wear a tunic extends up to wrists on a short skirt. Dress edges are tasselled or embroidered. It is also seen that the dress is made of a patterned fabric. God always has a horned hood. One example is remarkable in terms of the subject. A woman's figure is in the position that lifts up her hands and prays was handled in the face of the depiction of the god. As in similar examples, the head of woman, wearing a long geometric patterned tunic, is covered with another cover that extends down to the bottom of the waist with horizontal pattern. The goat in front of the woman probably depicts the animal sacrificed.